BC Deals with Gold for the Week of November 3rd, 2020

Well, I did finish Town of Light over the weekend in terms of first time through the story.  Chapter 15 was incredibly brutal, it was one of those I could have lived the rest of my life and did not need to see that ending sequence.  That leaves 3 achievements which are received for going a different path after Chapter 5.  I will be stopping after those achievements, I don’t really need to go through Chapter 15 nor that school sequence (Chapter 13) again regardless of any changes it might have on the story.  I should have that done this weekend.  After that, I will move on to something else, it’s a good walking simulator but I have enough issues with bad dreams.

So, we do have some sales this week.  Okay, not really it just sounded good in my head when I put it on the page.  Just de Blob 2 which was a GWG a while back and Frontlines which arguably could be one soon.  Perhaps look at some of the Xbox One sales and see if anything interests you.  Take care and have a good week.  Enjoy.


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