BC Deals with Gold for the Week of November 13th, 2018

Let’s see, last week I finished Episode 7 of Minecraft Story and just defeated the double Titan Henchmen in Batman: Arkham Asylum.  Not much progress I know, but with holidays coming up I’m just cleaning up more or less.  I plan on completely finishing Minecraft story by this time next week as we roll into Thanksgiving where I wish I was playing a game but probably won’t be able to.

This week and next is probably going to be slow until Black Friday anyway.  But we do have a few oddball sales worth discussing.  Hydrophobia is an odd one that’s only a $1 this week in that it is not backwards compatible but yet it’s a Microsoft published title.  Also surprisingly its the other Sonic Racer, not this one that is BC.  Stacking is probably worth picking up at that price if you don’t already own it.  Else wise, just hang tight until the Black Friday sales roll in.  Just keep in mind that if you are like me and look for the non-popular different titles, those rarely have BF sales worth talking about.  Anyway, we’ll see what happens.  Enjoy kids.

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