BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 8th, 2018

Welp, this weekend I kept down the path of cleaning up a couple of old games in Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds and Burnout Paradise (360).  In Paradise, I got enough for the Burnout License (the one before elite) and actually found all of the events.  I then promptly uninstalled the game.  Why you ask?  Because I took an honest look at the rest of the achievements and realized it wasn’t going to happen.  The only one that had a chance was the smashes one, I’m at 382/400.  But combing the city to find the 18?  Doesn’t sound like a good use of time.  I also used to rage quit at racing games.  Some of these races were taking 2 and 3 times if not more and I could feel it bubbling to the surface again.  I’m not single, I care about my family, so I did the sensible thing and uninstalled.

Meanwhile, Phantom Breaker I did get my character up to max level which left me with the Perfect Fall achievement (which I have attempted at least 30 times) and the one where I go through all of the stages with Furui.  I know I can get the latter achievement, so I left it on my Xbox for now.  There will be some night in the future where I can spend a couple of hours gunning for that.  In the meantime, I’ll look for a new game to play.  Anyway, enough about that we have a few sales, well we have some Assassin’s Creed games.    I wish there was more on sale, but we’ll have to take what we can get.  Hopefully we’ll get a couple of really good BC games released this week (like last week).  Enjoy kids.


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