BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 5th, 2020

Good morning.  Well, I think I finally moved off of Slay the Spire.  It took going against the heart (I was playing the Defect at the time) and getting trounced to realize it.  I thought I had a chance especially after I beat the Time Warp boss for the first time, but no it certainly was not meant to be.  There is certainly a steep climb in difficulty from any of the third bosses to the Heart, the final boss.  Maybe I’ll try it again soon, but I’m not exactly dying to do it since it usually takes me 3-4 tries and some luck to get back to the same position.

But on the plus side, I did start Final Fantasy IX, a game that I played to death when I was a young adult about 20 years ago in fact.  I remember getting to somewhere on the third disc and just never finishing it.  I would like to say I hope that doesn’t happen again, but I know better than to make those kind of promises when dealing with an old school RPG that can probably take up to a hundred hours.  However, it has been fun revisiting an amazing game.

So I would like to say we have some amazing sales this week.  The one game that is on sale, Things on Wheels, isn’t even a backwards compatible game.  Which is probably good since I bought the Lego DC Villains season pass, and a couple of silly games last week (an Artifex Mundi title and a Solitaire game of all things).  The things I’ll get when it’s only three or four bucks.  Anyway, hope you find yourselves in a good week, I’m trying to stay sane and am just thankful that this little column is one of the things that keeps me that way.  Enjoy.



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