BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 2nd, 2017

Hello kids, it’s another interesting week here at Kedrix.net.  It’s Star Wars week, my kid turns two and we apparently have lots of sales.  This past week, I did beat the main game of Grim Legends: Forsaken Bride.  This week, if I have time I will at least start the bonus adventure before going back and playing the game on expert to hopefully finish up the achievements.  I sure the heck hope the expert play-through goes quicker (with dominoes).  Lots of Capcom and Star Wars sales this week, my primary area of interest is the Star Wars pinball tables.  I do have a couple of the packs but this week we also get the single tables on sale which is pretty rare.  I’ll probably scoop up everything I don’t have.  But that’ll be it for me.  Also, a word of warning and a word of advice.  Star Wars: Force Unleashed II and Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga are on sale this week…unless your Gold membership is about to expire (and you don’t want to re-up), don’t get them.  Why?  Because Force Unleashed II is already Free with Gold and then Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga goes Free with Gold later this month.  And then part 2, be sure to watch Lego Star Wars III, I have a feeling that will go BC sometime this week (probably Thursday).  At $5, that’s a steal and cheaper than disc (which I own but might ditch in favor of digital).  All titles appear after the –More– (lots to list).  Anyway, that’s about it…have a great week and enjoy.

Pinball FX 2 Table DLC(if you want to play on both systems, purchase on 360 first and then get upgrade on X1 thru the game for free)

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