BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 26th, 2020

I pretty much seem to be alternating gaming wise between Lego NinjaGo, Slay the Spire and Spider Solitaire.  Solitaire, I’m up to 34 games completed, Lego NinjaGo, I’m about 2/3rds through the story mode and over half of the achievements, and Slay the Spire about the same darn place I was before.  Spire is an exercise in frustration but I am consistently telling myself to keep trying.

I am still very much digging Lego NinjaGo but I’m trying to stretch out the story mode as long as I can because I well know that the “100%” as it were is going to be frustrating and I can guarantee it will be because of the races.  I’ve completed a few that I’ve found but I know there are going to be a few that will pull out my hair (including one I already found on the beach that makes very little sense).

Anyway, moving on to the sales of the week.  We haven’t seen the Call of Juarez nor Prince of Persia series in sometime so this is a good break if you were hoping for something different.  A little Ghost Recon and Far Cry as well if you just had to have some shooters to run through.  Not a bad week.  As far as things to watch on this space for the coming week, I will have the Games with Gold for June later this afternoon.  Later this week, probably by Friday (or possibly the weekend), I will have the review to the Shout Factory remaster of Escape from LA that comes out today.  My pre-order should be here today and as a huge Kurt Russell fan, I feel obligated to put that out in short order.  Have a great rest of the week and enjoy.


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