BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 23rd, 2017

Well this past week, I have been playing one game and one game only…Has Been Heroes.  And after 30+ tries, I finally beat it once.  I know I like my rogue genre, but that’s pretty crazy…of course I never actually beat Ziggurat (but that game has 5 bosses and this one at least for the first time only has 2) either.  It is very hard, but I also think there is some major luck involved as in you really have to get the right combination of skills to succeed.  All the battle strategies in the world isn’t going to take down these bosses without a good spell or two.  How long will I keep with it?  Not sure…maybe another week, maybe two.  But I need to keep progressing (beating the game again and again) or else I am going to lose interest.

Anyway, after a crazy week last week, one would have to think a drop off for this week and they are absolutely right.  No BC games this week on the 360 side of things.  However, it is really important to note that there are at least three games in this list that have been heavily rumored to go BC.  The two Crackdowns and Fable Anniversary.  The later of which is one of my few holy grails left.  (If Gun ever becomes BC, I will probably close shop and be a peanut farmer).  Could we see a BC announcement today? I sure hope so…the only thing we have seen in the last couple of weeks is a few Japanese games that us American folks can’t even play without a good grasp of the language and a region specific machine.  That’s it for today, hopefully I’m back later in the day with some good news.  Enjoy.

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