BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 22nd, 2018

So I did actually finish Gone Home.  The speedrun for the diaries went pretty darn well as I got it on my second try thanks to doing some good notes on my own.  The guides never point to what’s going on in your own head, but my notes did.  In a weird moment, I decided to play the Xbox One version of Dig Dug and got 16/20 achievements.  It’s probably the four you are thinking of that I missed.  I might get one or two more, but most likely will not 100% it because of that stupid dig achievement (the one where you have to dig everywhere on one stage).  Its the same achievement that kept me from 100% the 360 version of Dig Dug.  There I go, spending a paragraph talking about a 35 year old game.  Moving on.

We do have some sales this week. It is a combination of “Often on Sale” and “Occasionally on Sale”.  So some of you might find something in this list that you accidentally missed one other time or not.  I’m kinda cruising this week game wise and kicking back and watching a couple of movies with my night time instead.  Right now, I’m watching Cloud Atlas.    Hopefully it comes together in the last hour because right now it’s flipping extremely fast through the various stories that make it up.  Anyway, enjoy kids.



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