BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 21st, 2019

Welp, I am still playing Game of Thrones Telltale, made it through the second episode which was much better than the first.  The story was tighter and I felt more involved than the first episode.  I can see why a lot of people abandoned it.  But not stubborn me, and at least for now it seems like my stubbornness is being rewarded.  I also spent a little bit of time 100%ing Baseball Stars NeoGeo and capped off my performance with a 12-4 rout in Hi-Score mode.  Patience and perseverance.

Anyway, on to a very very large sale.  Basically this is the kind of sale that if you were waiting for a particular title that is BC to go on sale, it’s probably here.  Odd ball stuff, like the Hardwood series, the Sega Vintage Collection (I might pick up Alex Kidd), heck Word Puzzle, this is the week to get it.  It’s not so much the week to get for example, Mass Effect or Call of Duty for the multi-billion time.  So take some time to look through the list, highlight a few that look interesting (that you normally don’t see) and get them.  It might be another 6 months, year or even longer before you see many of these others on sale again.  Prices will populate today as I get time, it’s a lot :).  Everything is after the –More–.  Enjoy.

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