BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 17th, 2016

Hello there, it’s another week.  Before we get to another decent list of deals (some even BC), I’m not doing very well and I will tell you why.  They are cancelling Project Spark.  Project Spark was one of the first games I fell in love with when I bought an Xbox One.  It was free, but it was a good kind of free because people built all of these wonderful games and then you could play them.  Furthermore, it wasn’t as if they were all the same game either, there were shooters, puzzlers, rpgs, and all sorts of wonderful madness built into one.  Now they are removing all of the servers which essentially makes the game unplayable.  But they are giving a deadline with this one, and that’s the August timeframe.  So, the plan is to stop playing Borderlands 2 (Handsome Collection) in the next couple of weeks and focus myself solely on Project Spark until August.  Or until I get really bored :).  It’s still unsettling and upsetting me though.  Microsoft has basically been cutting loose every studio under their banner that is not a big AAA producing title.

Anyway, as for me this week, probably nothing to buy. I might grab Unravel for the Xbox One which is a great title (and even better at 50% off).  There are some interesting titles over on the 360 side of things but nothing to make me jump for joy even if they make them backwards compatible.  We’ll see.  Anyway, have fun kiddoes.  BTW, one quick thing…I am calling it right now in prediction land.  Next week (or the following)….Costume Quest for the original 360 will go on sale, and it will also be made backwards compatible.  Later.

11:45am Edit  – Incoming Black Ops.

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