BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 15th, 2018

Welp, after playing a few odds and ends over the past week, I settled into a new game which will probably be completed by the weekend.   Gone Home, now now…don’t leave me just yet.  I needed something easy this week honestly, and that seemed like the perfect one to jump into.  And since it was a past GWG, it didn’t cost me anything.  I’ve got two achievements left at this point.  The speed run achievement to get all of the journals in 10 minutes and the developer’s commentary.  I already did the first run of the journals to get an idea of where everything was last night (took me an hour to map and jot everything down), and I think I’m ready tonight to go for it (in 1 or 2 tries).

Anyway, we got some sales.  On the 360 side, it’s unfortunately a case of same ole, same ole.  It’s funny that DMC 4 and Trilogy went on sale this week because I decided to go ahead and try to sell my hard copies.  I just find myself mostly playing RPG’s and Point and Clicks/Choose Your Own Story and the occasional Strategy.  Man, I’m getting old.  Enjoy kids.

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