BC Deals with Gold for the Week of May 14th, 2019

Well, as mentioned last week I have been playing Telltale’s Game of Thrones.  I am halfway through the second episode (which is so much better written than the first).  I also started playing Costume Quest and I’m a few “quests” in so to speak.  It’s not bad but it’s hard to get ultra excited about a game about getting candy and I can only eat ultra specific candy these days.  (Organic, Gluten-Free, No Artificial Colors, etc)  That would be the old person talking in me I suppose.

We have quite a few sales this week.  There doesn’t seem to be any persistent “theme” in this mix, just a slather of games for us to go through.  I do find it interesting that the original Kane & Lynch is here at a deep deep sale.  I would think it has to go BC one of these days, so this would probably be a good week to pick it up.  The Final Fantasies are again on sale but with most big name RPGs, people already have the disc for these suckers.  Also, even though it will never be BC (or very unlikely), SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam! is on a deep discount and has been de-listed before (and likely to be again).  If you have any desire to play it, spend the $1.49 and get it already.  Have a great week, enjoy.

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