BC Deals with Gold for the week of March 22nd, 2016

Well, last week we were promised a massive Spring Sale that would include among other things, lots of BC.  Well there are BC sales, but silly me I thought it might be something different than the usual mess.  I was hoping for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger or the Sam n Max titles or even some Sega games.  Nope, same stuff, different week.  I am slightly tempted to get Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (and there is a fair number of games on sale that are supposed to be coming very soon to BC) since we know its coming to BC and its only $4.99, but that’s about it.  On the flip side, I am working through my review for Ziggurat (Xbox One) and should have that posted by the end of the week.  Very fun game.  Anyway, enjoy the week.

3/23/16 Edit: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 added to the list.  See I was already tempted before it was announced on BC 🙂

3/28/16 Edit: Soul Calibur II HD added to the list.  Solid game, but we’ll see it on sale again and Tekken Tag 2 is the same price.

Xbox One Backwards Compatible Games on Sale this Week

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