BC Deals with Gold for the Week of March 10th, 2020

Well that went quickly.  I have actually beaten Sparklite, the final boss went down after about half a dozen tries.  Furthermore, I was able to clean up all of the achievements about an hour after that (which is really how all games should go).  I was really surprised by the TA ratio for this game and that only 30 something people have 100% the game.  But it’s probably the second best rogue-lite I’ve played (behind only Ziggurat) and a worthwhile playing experience.  In contrast, I tried going back and playing Monster Hunter and got positively bored after 4 or 5 fights and put it back down.  I think the next game I’m going to try and play is The Invisible Hours which I bought a while back since it was a Gamestop exclusive (as far as physical copies go).  We’ll see how that goes.

We don’t have many sales this week but that’s been the norm most of the time.  If you picked up the LA Noire Season Pass last week, you can now get the game for a decent price.  Or maybe you missed Deadfall Adventures from its time as a GWG.  Lego Batman 2 is a fantastic game, but that price is a bit to be desired to be frankly honest.  Whatever you are looking for, may you find it this week.  Enjoy.

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