BC Deals with Gold for the week of June 6th, 2017

Welp, I’m pretty much done with Has-Been Heroes.  After getting my 25th filled orb (actually up to 27 now), I just don’t have it in me anymore.  I can beat the second boss (prefer the big shield guy but I can take down Brothers Trio) but then either the third boss gets me or a random battle in the third area gets me.  A case of simply too fast (like Plants vs Zombies all over again) or not the right spells (which is all too common if you ask me).  I have made progress, but it’s honestly not enough.

So, I did buy Poker Night 2 (but passed on the other two I was talking about) for 360 off the sale last week.  And I did actually play it on Friday and Saturday, enough for three tournaments worth…of which I did win two.  Which means I can still play online poker against computers well basically (too bad that doesn’t translate to real life).  The only problem is that it is a 360 game which sits upstairs and the only reason I had enough time for three tournaments was that my mother in law was in town and helping us out with the toddler.  Hopefully they make it BC sooner than later.  It’s probably the best single player only poker experience I’ve had in a long long time.

Anyway, on to sales.  Suffice to say if you don’t care about Assassin’s Creed III or Call of Duty….well there is always next sale.  I will mention that the Deluxe version of Dragon Age: Inquisition for $5.00 is an absolute steal.  I bought it around $15 and I still think it was a steal then.  Enjoy, hopefully we’ll get some new BC this week.  Later kids.

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