BC Deals with Gold for the Week of June 5th, 2018

Well, honestly I haven’t done much gaming this past week.  Mostly because I’ve been working on blu-ray reviews or doing research for blu-ray reviews (I watched all four volumes of RWBY in about 2 weeks time in order to prepare for the 5th volume which I’m currently working on).

I did however accomplish one thing gaming wise that that bugged me for over a decade.  The Dig achievement in Dig Dug.  Yes, I know it sounds silly.  But for some reason last week, I figured I would give it a shot in the Xbox One version.  Five lives, no problem.   Did it on the second try.  I even died before completing the stage (dug the last block as I got killed) and it still popped.  Well, heck the 360 version which I haven’t touched since ’07 can’t be that much different.  Boy, was I wrong.

The 360 version of the achievement only gives you 3 lives.  Plus, you have to beat the stage and there are glitches with the achievement too.  It took me roughly 15 tries that day before I got it.  I basically would try it 2 or 3 times, then get frustrated, go off and do some fatherly/husband type thing and then try it again a couple of hours later.  Rinse, repeat.  Finally, right after my son went to bed, I got it on my second try.  I finally 100% Dig Dug (360) after over 10 years.  Lego Batman (360) had been my previous longest completion, welp Dig Dug surpassed it.

Anyway, we have sales.  What’s cool about this sale is that 3 of the 4 games I’m going to list aren’t actually BC yet, but probably will be at 11:00am noon today (CST).  So it’s a Tekken Tag Team 2 Special, but kinda in reverse.  I already have San Andreas, but I would be all over Midnight Club or Table Tennis if those games interested me.   Still, it’s really good of Rockstar to offer these on sale the same week as they go BC.  Enjoy.

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