BC Deals with Gold for the Week of June 25th, 2019

Welp, dragging along in the Game of Thrones, I should have episode five done by Friday.  I ended up playing a lot of Borderlands 2 and made it to the end of the Torgue DLC only to be beat up by the Badassasauras.  Yes the Metal T-Rex made short work of me all three times.  It’s on such a different difficulty level than anything else leading up to it.  I feel like I need to be about level 44, not 34 to achieve anything close to beating the sucker.  Also the arena setting hurts me too as I love using obstacles to get me an advantage and the arena is all open as can be.

Anyway, also played through Old Man’s Journey which was a very light puzzle/point and click game that made me feel sad and can only hope that my son stays close to me for a very long time.  We do have  some sales today that are worth looking at.  If you like 1st person shooters, hopefully you have the Crysis series by now.  Also, I’m not sure why Burnout Revenge can’t get a cheaper discount, but I digress.  We should have Games with Gold announcement later this week and I will be writing a review towards the end of the week on another anime title (Okko’s Inn), so look for that.  Enjoy.

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