BC Deals with Gold for the Week of June 19th, 2018

So, I would like to say I started a new game last week but the best I could muster was about an hour of Lego Indiana Jones 2 before I remembered that playing the older Lego games is usually an exercise in frustration.  And LIJ2 was no different.  I spent most of the gaming time in the last week playing Diablo III.  Hardcore character up to level 57, have 30% of the bounties and 2/3rds of the treasure goblins for the remaining three achievements.  Needless to say but the bounties will be the slog.  I would imagine the Hardcore will take only a couple more weeks, and maybe the treasure goblins sometime after that.  But bounties?  Maybe the end of the year and that’s if I keep at it which I usually don’t.

Anyway, we are back to something resembling a normal sale this week.  Though most of the games on sale are not BC.  Maybe this means we get a few new BC games, I sure would like to see RAW and Final Exam make that list off the sale page today.  We shall see I guess, enjoy.


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