BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 9th, 2019

Welp, I finally finished Game of Thrones.  Six episodes in the bucket and unfortunately the last episode is absolutely heart wrenching and will piss you off.  There is just no other way about it.  At least there was some glimmer of hope though (too bad we’ll never see a sequel).  I also finished Momonga Pinball which after you get three stars on every level is relatively easy to mop up the rest of your achievements.  As to what I am going to start next, it will probably be the Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy game.  I might throw in something I didn’t finish before, I get in that groove sometimes.

Anyway, we do have sales this week.   Unfortunately most of them are not backwards compatible which is kinda odd.  Normally I would come out here and say well Max Payne ought to be BC any week now.  Except it will most likely never be now.  Or Ratatouille has a good chance because a bunch of other Disney movie games are.  But I can’t.  So, either power up the ole 360 or take in a game you already own this week I guess.  Enjoy.


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