BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 7th, 2020

So in the aftermath of Lego NinjaGo, I was kinda all over the place gaming wise last week.  I got in some Slay the Spire, got 2 miscellaneous achievements, played some solitaire, and then on the 4th of July decided to use my Game Pass to play Fractured Minds.  It’s a game about mental health and having lived through a lot of mental health issues and seeing far too much through friends and loved ones, I was able to grasp a lot of what they were trying to accomplish.  The problem was that it took roughly 40 minutes of my time and I will never touch it again.  Far too short, but I appreciate the effort.

I also started playing Noir Chronicles: City of Crime which for those who don’t know is an Artifex Mundi game (Hidden objects/Puzzle Solving).  I used to play a lot of these type games on the computer but grab them when I can on Xbox cheaply.  I can’t beat them in the time that most people can but I still usually beat them and it keeps my mind active as well.

Well, we do have some sales today.  Many of those games were the retail games of their respective DLC that was on sale last week like Dead Space, Mass Effect and so forth.  Always happy to see Alice on here as people always forget that it includes the original (via downloadable free DLC) as well.  Anyway, please be sure to have a good week and try to take it easy if you are working remotely from home.  This might sound like a weird concept but I’ve been working roughly about 20% more than when I was at the “office”.  It’s very easy to fall into this pit of workaholic and despair.  I’ll try to climb out in the next few days, enjoy.

* – Incorrectly priced at the time of this article, should be $3.74.  


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