BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 30th, 2019

Well, I kinda stopped playing Golf Club last week because basically I had run out of achievements (the hole in one and explorer achievements will just take time) and I got a Xbox One X.  The older Xbox One went upstairs to the movie room and the new one went in the entertainment center.  I ended up starting two games, one to use the power of the Xbox One X, and one to well…be a diversion.  The diversion was Walking Dead Season 1, yes the TellTale game.  I’m through 1 episode and a 1/4 thru the second and it’s a very emotionally draining game.  Some of the choices and actions they make you go through are disturbing at best.

The game that I started with the Xbox One X in mind is Monster Hunter World.  I’ve played it for a little over 3 hours now and I haven’t even scratched the surface.  It sorely needs a guide book of some sort (and I actually complained about it on Twitter) and there isn’t one to be had in this day of very few game guides.  I always use the Skyrim example but I sunk 100’s of hours into Skyrim simply because if I had a question I could throw open the book and find it.  Monster Hunter World, I’m just….guessing.  And the Internet has a bunch of videos but very little written down it seems like.  I’m sure I’ll try playing it well into August but unless I get a lot of time to myself (not likely) and figure somethings out, I can’t promise I will keep with it.  But damn, it is a gorgeous game.

Anyway, we do have a few new sales this week.  This might be the first time Puzzle Fighter has been on sale since it went backwards compatible.  It would have been nice for Raven to go backwards compatible instead of getting a senseless remaster.  But I’ve seen the remaster for less than $10, so it’s not all that expensive either.  So I guess that’s another week, I appreciate everybody who still visits this site and know that a re-design is coming and I hope you stay tuned.  Enjoy.

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