BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 2nd, 2019

Another week.  I am through episode 5 of Game of Thrones which was easily the worst episode since the first.  I can only hope that the last episode in this game series comes through to a rousing finish.  I also have played through most of Momonga Pinball and the only achievements remaining are the 45 challenges and 500 levels.  I hope to finish that in the next week or so.  Finally (yes I was able to play a lot this past week), I started and finished What Remains of Edith Finch in a mere two play sessions on Saturday afternoon/night.  It was well worth the three hours vested and probably one of the best walking simulators I’ve ever played.

I wish I could be this optimistic about the new deals posted today. It’s mostly the same schlock unless you missed Disney’s Bolt the first or second time around.  Perhaps digging into the backlog this week would be the best idea and try not to think about the mediocre summer sale.  Enjoy.


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