BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 17th, 2018

Yes Felicia, I’m still playing Diablo 3.  I’m about 72%/73% through the bounties.  I have a nice shiny copy of Shining Resonance from Amazon, and I can’t even be bothered to open it.  I did start messing with Kanai’s Cube in Diablo III which is quite the interesting tidbit if you are trying to get “super equipment” as it were.  But yeah, I really need to start playing something else.

Interesting thing about last week, From Dust (not BC yet) was listed to be on sale, but not really on sale.  Well, then it was taken off the sale list entirely.  So I got frustrated and didn’t look at it anymore until Monday night.  Not only was it on there, but the sale was actually activated at $4.49.  I bought it so fast, lol.  But seriously, that’s a load of bs that I might not have caught until it was too late.  Watch, now it will be a GWG in two months.

Anyway, a lot of sales this week, but very few BC games.  Quite odd actually, maybe that means that some of the games in this list will be made BC this week, we can hope.  Well, until they announce some BC this week, I am out.  Enjoy.

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