BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 16th, 2019

Welp, this week I think I was stuck in a rut because I was playing some odd things.  First, I went back and started playing Golf Club again.  Not the newer one that was free with gold, no…the very first one on Xbox One.  I made a lot of progress but it just seemed like an odd choice.  And then the last couple of days, I started a game called Mr. Pumpkin’s Adventure.  It’s a point and click adventure but it’s pretty pitiful.  I’ll be trying to finish that one as quickly as possible.  Welp, maybe I’ll find something more worthwhile to play this week, and then again perhaps not.  It’s a weird mood for gaming lately.

Anyway, we got a super sale for Xbox One & 360 this week.  Lots of sales, but I’m having trouble really wanting anything (I will mention that Condemned really is on sale this week for only $5).  Anytime they post DLC on Xbox 360 for sale, I’m always hoping something new shows up that I really want and not the same 20-30 pieces that show up.  Instead, it’s got it, got it, got it, don’t want, got it, etc.  Prices will populate during the day as I get to them.  Enjoy.


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