BC Deals with Gold for the Week of July 14th, 2020

Hello there, in the boring world known as my gaming I completed the game Spider Solitaire F.  Yes, that silly solitaire game.  100 games of solitaire and let’s move on to something else like Artifex Mundi games.  Noir Chronicles I am slowly moving through, it’s not that I don’t enjoy it but as previously mentioned it takes me more time than what seems like the average to complete.  I will probably look for something else to play at the same time since I usually play 2 to 3 games at once but at this point I’m not sure exactly what that will be.  I will also be writing a review for the recent release by ClassicFlix for Abbott and Costello’s Africa Screams on Blu-ray.  I have a deep personal attachment to that movie and I hope to share it with the readers by this Friday (that’s the target anyway).

On the plus side this week, we do actually have a fair amount of sales.  We have lots of Tom Clancy, Mega Man and Lost Planet.  And I always have a smile when I see Asura’s Wrath which was one of the most underrated games on the Xbox 360.  Interestingly enough I traded away Super Street Fighter IV this week for a blu-ray, so I guess I could get it back pretty quickly if I wanted digitally.  Anyway, have a good week or at least try to.  Enjoy.

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