BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 2nd, 2018

The first post of the new year.  Rejoice.  Alright done?  Good.  My new year was rather uneventful, I was pretty forced to stay up until about 1:00am.  Nope, not by my wife, she would have been going to bed too.  Nope, this was all about my neighbors who decided to have fireworks until then.  I guess I’m lucky they passed out by then.  Anyway, I’m still playing Infinite Minigolf for some reason, though I did get a couple of the harder achievements.  I also started Romancing Saga 2 which really makes me miss systems like the SNES and the original Sony Playstation.  It’s so good, really.  I doubt I’ll 100% it, but I hope I do beat it.

Xbox One Sales – TrueAchievement.com

Xbox 360 Sales – TrueAchievement.com

One, that 360 sale is pathetic.  I know we had a good holiday sale…but it’s still pathetic.  The Xbox One sale is better, I will probably pick up the DLC for Diablo III if nothing else.  It would have made more sense to put Van Helsing II on sale as the first one was already a GWG and the third one currently is.  At least try and give a little enticement.  Anyway, hopefully we get some new BC games this week.  It is a new year and we should certainly try to start it off right.  Enjoy folks.


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