BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 29th, 2019

I would like to say that I played something new this past week, that was not the case.  I would like to say that outside of maybe half an hour with Road Redemption, I played anything at all this past week, that was not the case either.  I spent most of my time messing with my old laptop trying to get it to work again.  Which I did, after I switched it from Windows to Linux Mint.  Yeah, I said screw this and went all geek on it.  It’s working better now than it ever did with Windows 7.  So take that Microsoft.  I only use it for music and video editing anyway though so its a small victory I guess.

Anyway, moving on.  We have sales.  A whole heck of a lot of Assassin’s Creed (you would think some of them would have deeper discounts) and not much else.  The most interesting non-BC title here would have to be Resonance of Fate. I doubt it will get added to BC this week, but it comes from Sega so a future BC announcement is certainly possible.    So enjoy your Superbowl Week, I’m not really too interested in any football game that the Patriots are in (unless they are playing the Eagles) but I will probably watch nevertheless.  Take care.


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