BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 23rd, 2018

Welp, still playing with my necromancer in Diablo III as you might imagine.  I’m pretty close to being done with the second act and my character is level 42 I believe.  As you might expect, I will be playing her until level 70 and finishing out the fifth act to get all associated achievements.  At that point I should (key word on should) only have 2 or 3 achievements left (500 bounties, Level 70 hardcore and maybe the 50 item destruction item one).  Then I’ll come back later in the year and tackle that.  Remember, I’ve 100%ed the 360 version.  While I am fairly confident I can 100% this version, I don’t want to suck myself into playing Diablo for the entire year.

Anyway, we got sales this week. On the Xbox One side, I’m not seeing anything really.  In addition to what’s listed, there are some Pinball FX3 DLC packs that are on sale for those who appreciate them like I do.  Just do a search for Pinball FX3 @ Xbox.com.  On the 360 side, I have to think that SF3 becomes BC in short order.  It just makes sense.  Enjoy the week kiddoes.


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