BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 22nd, 2019

Well, I had to delete Gyromancer from my console last night.  After roughly 30 tries to get the Gyro Chain achievement (and no success), I realized I had became obsessed with it and hence, I did the rational thing and deleted it.  Maybe someday in the future I’ll give it a shot again, but I need to move on.  I’ll be searching for a new game, I think I might do an easy one(1-5 hours) before dropping back into something that would be more than 10-15 hours.

We got sales.  A lot to like especially if you are into Dead Space or Tom Clancy games.  I would imagine that Ghost Recon AW 2 becomes BC soon as well, it just fits this week’s theme.  Of course I was hoping for Syndicate last week and we see how well that went.  Anyway, I’ll be back later today or Thursday with hopefully a new BC game or two to talk about.   Enjoy.

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