BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 16th, 2018

Well, this would be the 4th week in a row when the only thing I’ve talked about are sales or lack there of and nothing else.  No BC games, extra news or anything to get excited about.  Heck, it’s not even exciting around here, I’m staring at freezing rain and sleet contemplating my next move (going back to bed sounds nice).

I am playing Diablo III on Xbox One, I did start my necromancer and she’s level 33 already and I barely made it through the first act.  I had several achievements also bugged as well which while they did fix themselves nearly 24 hours after, it certainly dampened my spirits about playing.  Actually I haven’t played except to check my achievements since that happened and that was Saturday.

Welp, here are the sales.  Lots on the Xbox One side, not too much on the 360 side.  Better than the last couple of weeks though.  The Far Cry stuff is interesting because with the exception of Far Cry 4, I would think the other FC’s would get BC billing soon enough.  Those are pretty cheap prices to boot as well.  Well, take some time to think about it and hopefully we’ll get a BC announcement this week…hopefully.  Enjoy kids.


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