BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 15th, 2019

Well I beat the main story line of Gyromancer and also racked up 100 awards last night.  As mentioned previously, 120 awards (or all of them) is not going to happen except by sheer darn luck.  Furthermore, while I enjoy Bejeweled (which this basically is), I am far from a master so passing the Stones isn’t going to work either.  The only achievement left at this point I can probably get is the Gyro Chain one which I’ll probably do this week.  Over in Road Redemption land, I’m to the point where I’m getting a little bored of running the campaign over and over again.  So, in the next week I’ll probably find a new game to start.

Anyway, we have sales.  There is some Borderlands, Far Cry and Need for Speed here (and old Skate games too) to choose from.  A lot of titles, but not many BC selections.  Syndicate is on sale but not currently a BC game and it would be an interesting choice if it went that way.  But we will just have to see what happens.  Enjoy your week, and I’ll be trying to do the same.  Take care.

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