BC Deals with Gold for the Week of January 14th, 2020

Well, I would like to say that I played something besides Monster Hunter World.  That was not the case.  However, I did eclipse 500 monsters and I am sitting at HR 70.  Still trying to get 50 elders and 50 tempereds.  I’m around 40 each I figure on both.  I have also started trying to get all of the monster tracks up to their highest level as that’s an achievement as well.  I do not look forward to getting those last few like the Kirin or Kushala Daora which are my two least favorite monsters by far.  Yeah, I need to start something new (or go back to something old).

We do have some DLC sales this week.  It is certainly not as much as I would like to see but it is something, at least for the Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry folks.  The Worms games are decent fun but not backwards compatible (even though they should be).  Have a good week, I might have a review towards the end of the week or early next.  Just something to look forward to.  Enjoy.

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