BC Deals with Gold for the week of December 6th, 2016

Welp, I have been playing three games on rotation basically for the last week.  Batman: Telltale series where I finished the second episode, Gems of War (up to level 73, still trying to get a mythic), and freshly started Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2.  PvsZ2 is a fantastic game so far. It’s light hearted, full of charm and the achievements are entertaining as well.  This week, we only get one BC game on sale, but it’s a good one.  Foul Play is just a mere $2.49.  The others, like Guncraft and Juju are certainly candidates for BC, but  I would hold off unless they run an announcement in the same week.  Oh and I do talk about Pinball sometimes on this column, I will mention that Bethesda Pinball is up right now at $10.99 (works with Pinball FX2).  That’s a bit pricey, but you do get Skyrim, Fallout and Doom tables to play with.  Enjoy.

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