BC Deals with Gold for the Week of December 5th, 2017

Welp, I finished my second playthrough of Oxenfree.   This was the strong silent playthrough which leaves the mean playthrough where I piss everybody off for the last one.  I would like to finish it this year, but I might give it a rest until I feel like messing with that last go around.  I do think however that I’m pretty much done with Infinite Minigolf, they sorely need to fix the short putting in that game.  A 2 inch putt should not be an adventure.  I would like to start a new game, but I’m not sure exactly what I want to start.  We’ll see I guess.

As Major Nelson mentioned in a Tweet earlier this week, there will be no more BC games for the  year.  I’m not too thrilled about that considering we did have some games last year in December and the output was lower this year than last.  I was also secretly hoping they would slide a couple more OG Xbox games too, but no, unfortunately not.  We do have some sales though, just nothing earth shattering. There are lots of bundles on the X1 side, just be careful you don’t get the same game in 2 different bundles.  No, I haven’t done that, but I could see how someone else could.  The only thing of interest for me is possibly the Starpoint Gemini 2 Gold Pack.  It’s still $16, but it has over $40 of content.  I’ve been jonesing for a space simulator and Elite Legendary Edition (Retail version is now $20 at Gamestop) is a little too complicated for me.  So maybe this is the one.  We’ll see.  Enjoy.

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