BC Deals with Gold for the week of December 13th, 2016

Welp, another slow week as you might guess which will probably be the pattern until some new year’s sale.  Personally, I’ve been splitting my time between Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, Batman: Telltale and Gems of War (the never ending grind to Level 100).  PvsZ2 is really a gem and perhaps the only thing I don’t like about it is the fact that you can’t pause single player missions.  You basically have to find a safe zone.  But achievements are ridiculously fun and plentiful.  This one will probably be in my wheelhouse for a while.

So, as you can tell below, there are officially no BC sales.  If one wants to play with possibilities, I would say any of the first three (Alien Rage, Dogfight 1942 or Enemy Front) stand a good chance.  I could easily be talked into buying Alien Rage if it pulls a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (patent pending).  $2.99 is well worth it.  I doubt any of the Spiderman, TMNT stuff will go BC, but you never know.  Enjoy kids.

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