BC Deals with Gold for the Week of December 11th, 2018

Welp, I did finally find all of the riddles in Batman: Arkham Asylum.  Honestly, you know what the last 5 riddles were.  3 Joker Teeth related and 2 in the Caves (mostly because I hate the Caves).  The Joker Teeth honestly were harder than anything else, especially in the open areas like Arkham North and West.  But I got them, did the Spirit of Arkham as well.  Maybe in a few years I’ll come back and finish it at a tougher difficulty.  I’m not sure what I’m moving on to now, we’ll see.

Here are the sales for this week.  Only two are backwards compatible.  Panzer Dragoon Orta is very tempting (and I have Persona 4 on disc).  Abyss Odyssey also looks very good but its not BC and at this point, any XBLA title is going to have a very low chance of going BC.  Can’t say it won’t happen, just it’s not likely.  Enjoy the rest of your week folks.

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