BC Deals with Gold for the Week of August 7th, 2018

Welp, I am down to less than 30 bounties on Diablo 3 before it is said and done.  This time next week I will have 100% the game (remember I had 100% the 360 version as well) and just maybe I’ll be finished with it.  I am also trying to get to 3000 challenge points (at 2980) as I never really tried for any of them until recently.  A nice way to end many hundreds of hours at this game.  I’m not sure what will be the next big game I’ll play, but we’ll see what happens.

So this week looks like a whole lot of Fallout and the usual Faery & Mars: War Logs (I own Faery but never got around to playing it) assortment.  Honestly, nothing much and hopefully we’ll get a good BC announcement today.  Take care, enjoy your week and I’ll try to do the same.  Take care.


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