BC Deals with Gold for the Week of August 6th, 2019

So, over the past week I have given the site something of a face lift.  Hopefully the majority of the viewing public like the new design and how I’m gradually going to gear it towards my review writing whether on the site or off.  Any comments are suggestions, feel free to let me know.  I’m always eager to listen but I think this is a good direction since BC is basically dead at this point.

On the gaming front, I’m through two episodes of Walking Dead and a couple chapters into the third one.  I really appreciate the very light puzzle solving in this.  It’s no Batman Telltale, but it is certainly better than anything they did on Game of Thrones for example.  I did also play some more Monster Hunter World during the weekend and while I don’t feel like a complete newb anymore, I’m still struggling.  I also CANNOT cook a steak properly.  The music does not help.  I am either too soon (rare) or too late (burnt).

Anyway,  here are the sales.  Tempted to grab Abyss Odyssey but then I would be strictly playing it on the 360.  Burnout Revenge also has has never been this cheap so it is certainly worth picking up.  I’ll also do my usual plug for Darkness II which was an awesome playing experience and well worth that $6 price.  Anyway, enjoy your week folks and hope you find something good to play.

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