BC Deals with Gold for the Week of August 28th, 2018

Well, I am about halfway through the third episode of Minecraft Story.  The story is slightly picking up but it certainly isn’t at the level of some of the other Telltale games I have played.  It’s more of the fact that I have all eight episodes, and now I feel some weird need to finish them all.  Oh wait, that’s not weird, that’s the way I always am.

I also finished my first ACA NeoGeo game last week, Metal Slug.  100%ed it in 3 nights (at about half an hour a night).  It had some challenge, but practice made it perfect and I moved on.  I will attempt Burning Fight next in a week or so.

I am also playing Ziggurat still, I have all of the perks now.  The only things left that I can reasonably get is unlocking all of the characters (two left) and completing the bestiary (missing 11 Bone Summoners).  At that point, it will leave me with 6 missing achievements, all of which I am okay with admitting I’m not good enough to complete.  But I’ve gotten way more than my money’s worth when it comes to that game.

Anyway, if you haven’t figured it out, I’m being long and drawn out because there are no 360 sales right now I’m aware of right now.  Here is the sales page for Xbox One.  There are some good sales in there, but I was hoping for some 360/BC sales for the week.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t even any new BC announcements last week either.  I guess due to Gamescom, that just wasn’t the priority.  Hopefully that changes, and we have something to talk about a little later.  Enjoy.

10:30 am Edit: I have added the real link to Major’s page above.  Still nothing for the 360, but progress I guess.

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