BC Deals with Gold for the Week of August 25th, 2020

I want to apologize for not posting this yesterday.  To be fair, I was more concerned about a Hurricane in my area and second, Xbox had not put up the 360 sales when I checked yesterday morning.  Thankfully, the Hurricane has shifted East enough to where it shouldn’t be an issue and the 360 sales are now up.  I also have a little more to talk about personal gaming wise.

As mentioned in the previous weeks, I had been playing Yoku’s Island Express.  I kinda hit a speed bump last week up until yesterday.  I was stuck nickel and dimeing wickerlings and scarabs and barely making a dent in end game progress.  I went even as far to put away the game (since I’m playing it from disc) and told myself I’ll touch it again in a month or so.  However, I hate giving up on a game and tried it one more time.  Much to my surprise, things started to click again, and it led to four achievements (up to 25 of 31) and all of the progress achievements (scarabs, wickerlings, wallet space, etc) are now between 70 and 80%.  Can I actually make this a 100% completion after all?  I’ll know more for sure next week.

So here are the sales for this week.  On the BC front, it’s really not much.  I’m actually interested to see the Games with Gold situation this month as last month was pretty close to a disaster when it came to games on both the Xbox One and 360.  But hopefully, the rumors of their demise isn’t quite in the cards as of yet.  Take care, have a good week and we will talk again soon.  Enjoy.

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