BC Deals with Gold for the Week of April 9th, 2019

Well, I used the Xbox Free Weekends to play Borderlands 2 and it was a pretty fun experience.  I actually own the game on disc but as is usually the case with me and open world games, I never finished it.  So I was able to play for a few hours, pick up some achievements and that was that.  I did also play more Road Redemption but I think the achievement counters are stuck again.  I don’t know why its so hard for some publishers to fix achievements correctly.  I really need a game at this point that just works right (and isn’t too long).

Anyway, we have some sales. Supposedly there is supposed to be a much better sale later in the week but this should suffice for now.  I don’t think Bolt has been on sale before and if you missed the last time Hydrophobia was on sale (though I think it was $2 only), this is a good time to pick it up.  We’ll see what happens later in the week but enjoy your time until then.  Take care.


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