BC Deals with Gold for the Week of April 2nd, 2019

Welp, I did get 2 of the 4 accumulation type achievements I had left in Road Redemption.  Total Kills and kills with a samurai sword.  Sadly, I still have not beaten the game despite getting to the last stage on a very regular basis now.  Hopefully, I will be able to shake it loose in the next week or so.  If not, I will probably move it to an off and on basis (like I did with Ziggurat) until I finally finish it off (or get the other two accumulation achievements).

Anyway, we do have some sales this week even if they are barely worth mentioning.  Full Spectrum Warrior is certainly cheap enough but I have a feeling (like I do with any of the XBO games) that we’ll see it at GWG at some point.  Maybe this is the week the Worms games are made backwards compatible.  Ha, I say that every time they are on sale and it hasn’t worked yet.  Enjoy.

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