BC Deals with Gold for the Week of April 23rd, 2019

Well, I am done with the campaign side of Road Redemption and working on campaign+ (got to the last stage and just ran out of track).  Looks like the developers released another patch over the past week and my progress bar on my money is going up again.  So I jumped from 16% to 51% (and now at 56%).  Unfortunately, my progress bar on dying in a campaign 30 times has not.  I’m not too worried about it, I just wish it wasn’t stuck anymore.  I need to start playing something different, lol.

Here are the sales.  Not too many BC games, it’s quite possible that Toy Story Mania eventually becomes a BC title, but certainly far from guaranteed.  I want to purchase Red Faction 2 at that price but old school shooters not named Doom, Wolf3d, Duke don’t tend to hold up.  Maybe I will anyway, enjoy the week kiddoes.


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