BC Deals with Gold for the Week of April 16th, 2019

Well I did finally beat the campaign of Road Redemption.  Actually happened last Wednesday, something finally clicked (or I had finally filled out my skill tree enough) and I was able to put the Assassin to rest.  Problem is as I think I mentioned, my 2 remaining accumulation achievements are stuck and won’t go past 50% and 16% respectively.  Not sure if they reset or what but they are not going anywhere.  I guess I’ll focus on beating it with other characters but that might be the end of the game for me so to speak.  Or at least one like Ziggurat where I put it down for 6 months.

Anyway, minor sale this week because of the Spring sale.  So if you haven’t picked up Cars 2 or Bound by Flame or didn’t pick up one of the other two when they were GWG, well here you go.  I wish they would make Raven BC (despite the XB1 port) because I did buy those once upon a time and I just don’t see myself (where the 360 is) taking the time to play that one.  I pretty much use that 360 to play old 360 games that will never see the light of XB1.  Like the 360 Skyrim or NCAA Football 14…that sort of thing.  Anyway, enjoy your Easter week.

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