BC Deals with Gold for the week of April 12th, 2016 (Alan Wake Free DLC too)!

Welp, another week, another list of deals with no Backwards compatibility.   It’s not a horrible list of deals per say, but its frustrating more than anything.  I mean, taking this list for example, I really want to see Remember Me or Puzzle Fighter make BC, but they haven’t to this point.  In addition, I would consider buying one of the Street Fighters if they pulled a Tekken Tag 2 like announcement where they made BC and had a sale in the same week.  (I really would like to see numbers on that btw…the amount of people who bought it before and after the announcement)

Oh and I do have one piece of general BC news.  Both DLC packs for Alan Wake are now free as of late last week.  Unfortunately, I already have both, but its good for the people who waited forever and a day to get them :).  I would assume this is permanent, but time will tell. Links are below.  Enjoy.

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