BC Deals of the week for October 4th, 2016

The deals seemed to be up much earlier last night, probably as a result of the fact they took forever the previous week.    There are several deals here, I’m probably most interested in Outland.  (Slightly interested in Bard’s Gold for Xb1 but I have enough “Rogue” type games).  As far as potentials, you could make an argument over many of these and I personally think Crash: Mind over Mutant is due but that’s me.  By the way, still playing Mars: War Logs and liking it quite a bit.  It’s far from perfect but I think it is just what I needed.  I’m not going to get all of the side quests (because they require you to follow an exact path and it’s time sensitive as well)…but I have confidence I can beat it (through Chapter one already).  If nothing else, it makes me want to play both Bound by Flame as well as Technomancer (two of the other Spiders rpgs)  a lot more.  Anyway, enjoy.


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