BC Deals of the Week for May 9th, 2017

Welp, I did finish the bonus adventure in Grim Legends and then promptly started the normal play-through (with dominoes) on Expert.  It’s one of those things that if I didn’t start it right there, it would have just sat for months or possibly years (see my history with Lego Games).  Unless I screw up somewhere, I will 100%, I’m fairly sure.  I also got quite a bit farther (farther than I ever thought I would get) in Burnout Paradise.  “A” License, did some of the discovery achievements and even got a 10x in Showtime.  I still would like to get the 500 takedowns before moving on though but I already well exceeded my expectations.

Anyway, it’s a slow week or shaping up to be.  The only BC title here is Saints Row IV which was already a GWG.  The other Saints Row games are practically begging to be BC as is Dungeon Defenders.  Hopefully we get an announcement for some of that.  I really don’t see anything on the X1 side I want, so I guess barring a BC announcement, I’m probably keeping my money this week.  So enjoy the week!

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