BC Deals for the week of October 25th, 2016

Here are the Major’s sales for this week.  I am officially done with Chapter 2 of Mars War Logs and no I did not choose the side of the Resistance (though I intend to replay Chapter 3 for the Resistance once I’m done anyway).  Still enjoying it, though wish the combat was a little more varied.  My typical fight goes strike, evade, strike, evade, strike, strike (because I was able to isolate somebody), evade, etc.  Oh and one of those strikes are probably crits if that matters.  I almost never use the nailgun unless its one of the monsters that jump at you (which is probably a good thing because ammo is pretty scarce).  Anyway, there are 3 games and a DLC pack this week on the BC List.  I will also note that I think Dungeon Defenders despite not being BC is having a fantastic sale this week with the game and DLC at great prices.  I think its gearing up to be BC soon, but we’ll see.  Enjoy kids.

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