BC Deals for the Week of October 11th, 2016

This week we have a SUPER SALE…(Gameshow voice).    Well, there is a lot of BC titles for sure, I’m just trying to figure out if this is really super after all.  Last week, even though I said I wasn’t, I ended up purchasing Bard’s Gold for Xbox One.  Too bad, it was overshadowed by the fact I got two music games to play, Just Sing (which is not good) and Rock Band 4 (which is very good).  And yes, I am still playing Mars: War Logs, about half way through the second chapter.  Still enjoying it, especially since the combat has become much easier (since I’m spending almost all of my points in that skill tree).  Out of this list, the only thing that stands out (meaning it hasn’t been here a few times before) is Shank 2 which is a very modest $4.99.  That will probably be the one for me.  There are some others here as ones that will eventually be BC but that’s all I know for now.  Enjoy.


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