BC Deals for the Week of November 28th, 2017

It’s been a long vacation week and I mean in that in the worst possible way.  This is the first day where I actually feel ok.  I’ve had bronchitis for about a week and thought I was getting better until Sunday night where I came down with the worst fever and chills imaginable.  Get my butt to an urgent care on Monday, pumped full of drugs and ready to go.  I am still in my second playthrough of Oxenfree (about 2/3rds through) and playing a lot of Infinite Mini-Golf which I am quickly getting tired of.  When you miss a 2 inch putt for the umpteenth time, it tends to get on your nerves.  Not worth my $7.50…sorry.

Here are the sales for this week.  Not too much in the way of BC, but fantastic discounts of 80% to 90%.  I have Conan on disc, but at $2…I can get rid of my disc.  It’s not exactly a collector’s item (or an RPG which I like having discs for).  I would purchase ArcaniA at $2, but I already own it.  On the Xb1 side, I think Shiness finally deserves my attention at $9.90.   That’s it, enjoy your week, I’ll be moving through mine.

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